Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Right now

Right now is a perfect time. My life is filled with young, girlish dreams, piano keys, early morning jogs, giggle-filled sleepovers, Gileskirk notes, worn Bible pages, pumpkin spiced lattes and the whinnies of a tall white horse. I have little worries and much love surrounding me. The small things in life are my big things. Ancient hymns, the steam off my coffee and handwritten letters the things I delight in.
 But it is all soon to change. Senior-ism has begun to wear on me. The adult life is creeping up on me and the line from Peter Pan rolls over in my mind - "All children, except one, grow up.” Of course my true childhood days ended long ago, but just now I am beginning to realize it. Sometimes I wish I could find Peter Pan and travel to the Neverland I once believed in.  To relive all my disney, fairytale moments, but as I get older and taller (well hopefully not too much taller) I realize that youth is just like all of life, brief as the wind. 
Time passes and all is gone. I will blink and gray hair will begin to shade by face. Sometimes it seems like time is a curse, ruining all that is good. I want to freeze and remain exactly where I am. But time isn't a curse, it's a mighty force that God has created. Time does not just push me on towards old age, it pulls me towards my Savior. With every passing minute, I am closer to seeing my Savior face to face. 
So instead of constantly looking to the past, however delightful it may seem, I will move on. Slowly and sentimentally, I will make the next turn in life. College, jobs, cars and apartments seem terrifying, but God's goodness and wisdom reigns over all. The whole of my life is in His hands. I have no reason to fear. As my world begins to change I will trust in Him, for He is faithful. 
Goodbye Peter, it's time for me to grow up. 


  1. Your post drew forth some solemn musings. Growing up can be a truly wonderful, non-terrifying experience. Just keep remembering that your own dear heavenly Father knows every twist and turn you will make. Keep your eyes on Christ and off of Self. Believe God and His Word. Live like you believe it. And rejoice. And again I say, rejoice!
    I love you.

  2. All I can say is, Yes and Yes.
    And that I know exactly what this feels like and am glad I'm not alone in feeling it!

    Love you muchly, my sister in Christ.
