Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This Summer

Summer is here, things should be slowing down and the days should be getting longer and warmer. But, the ACT is this Saturday and we have several trips planned. I will be very busy this summer-to my delight. I recently visited my momma's brother in Starkville, MS. I was privileged greatly, by being allowed to bring my dear friends Margaret and Martha. My family, as is well known, is quite crazy. Momma and her siblings are very amusing together and Uncle Jerry's house was loads of fun. We woke up at the crack of dawn, every morning to run on the Mississippi State University campus. All of the old buildings and passing students awed our trio. Many times our jaws dropped to look up at gorgeous chapels and breathtaking old libraries. Lauren, my cousin Joe's wife, gave us a tour and gave us many historical facts about the college. Running there was so fun. Coming back was delicious, Crispy Cream dough-nuts awaited us. Yumm... Playing Frisbee, swimming, fishing, shooting 22s and sitting around laughing, was many of our daily habits. One of the joys of our time, was sipping coffee in the morning, talking about our Savior and softly singing hymns in harmony. Praising the Lord with others, warms your heart. I'm so thankful for this.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun!
    Yes, I ran...my time was 31 something because I ran with Leah. I am also running with her in the frog level this Saturday.
    I hope you do well in the ACT :)
